Your remaining life is an hourglass. Once the sand grains begin to fall, you cannot return them. So, you need to make every grain count.

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Re-reading to re-inspire

My January 2nd post shared that DOING is my #OneWord for 2014. What can I be doing to ensure that I am being the leader I want to be? Let him who would move the world first move himself. -Socrates This past week, I made my travel arrangements for Steve Farber’s...

Tuesday Tidbit

When was the last time you paused and reflected on what your day-to-day experiences are teaching you?  The annual conclusion of our company’s leadership development program always prompts such reflection for me. Important lessons can sometimes be lost simply...

Tuesday Tidbit

Do you have team members who resist the opportunity for refresher training? Or, maybe they fight learning new processes. Perhaps they aren’t interested in developing their professional skills. If that sounds like someone on your team, here’s an old tale...

Book Review: Graced With Orange

Graced With Orange written by Jamie S. Amelio with Adam Snyder, published by Meadow Lane Publishing in 2013. Inspiration. Pure and simple, that is what this book is. I’ve often wondered what moves an ordinary person forward to do extraordinary things. Jamie...