Graced With Orange written by Jamie S. Amelio with Adam Snyder, published by Meadow Lane Publishing in 2013.


Pure and simple, that is what this book is.

Graced With OrangeI’ve often wondered what moves an ordinary person forward to do extraordinary things. Jamie Amelio gives us an interesting and compelling narrative about her experiences in Cambodia, moving from tourist to builder of schools and changer of lives.

Nearly all of us have been asked at one time or another, “Could I have a dollar?” Some of us may turn over a dollar, some of us may walk on by, some of us may even be irritated. Not Jamie Amelio. She stopped and asked why the dollar was needed.  The little beggar girl needed the money to pay for school, a common practice in Cambodia. And so, an opportunity presented itself and this story began.

Graced with Orange is as much a personal journey to make a difference as it is “how-to” start and run a charitable organization.  The author’s “Caring for Cambodia” (CFC) is the vehicle used to build sixteen schools in war-torn Cambodia.  As life would have it, it also changed the author’s personal life in significant ways, but you’ll have to read the book for that part of the story!

The best parts of the book, for my enjoyment, are when Amelio shares the personal stories of the native Cambodians who were directly involved in or impacted by CFC’s work.  There are those who helped build schools, the children who attended school, the teachers whose hearts and minds were challenged and changed by the new approach to education,  The stories of struggle, courage and growth move the book along quickly.

Another important part of the story is how the country of Cambodia continues to struggle, many years after war tore it apart. The human toll of war is gently woven through, in a completely non-political way. Reading how education made such a difference for the children, their families, and their community gives an even deeper meaning to the value of the work being done.

Graced With Orange is an inspiring story and a book worth reading.

Note: A copy of this book was provided to me at no cost by Media Connect. Neither the author, publisher, nor anyone else influenced or reviewed the content of this post; the opinion expressed is entirely my own.

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