Book Review: The Potential Principle

Book Review: The Potential Principle

The Potential Principle, A proven system for closing the gap between how good you are and how good you could be, written by Mark Sanborn, published by Nelson Books, September 2017. What is your potential? Do you really know how good you could be? Or, do you limit...

A Leadership Lesson in a Life and Death Lesson

I had met her in a space where she was a person, instead of a problem to be solved. -Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air, page 90 When coaching or counseling team members, how often do we approach the conversation – no, the person – as if he or she is...
Book Review: Ordinary Superpowers

Book Review: Ordinary Superpowers

Ordinary Superpowers, Unleash the full potential of your most natural talents; written by Mark Henson and published by the Superpowered Life Company, Ltd., 2017. Full disclosure: I started reading this book expecting it to be a good one. I have met author Mark Henson...