Thoughts on Being Your Best

Thoughts on Being Your Best

Are you always at your best? While I would like to say that I am always at my best, that simply wouldn’t be true. I don’t think any of us could honestly say that. Some days I’m distracted by nice weather and would rather go for a walk and take...

Thoughts on Being More Yourself

While watching some movie previews at the theater yesterday, this quote reached out and grabbed my heart. The more you are yourself, the more yourself you are. – “The Last Word” movie Living in authenticity is not easy. It is often tempting to act in...

Gratitude Even in the Worst of Circumstances

It’s funny how the universe works. I’ve been thinking about gratitude lately. There is so much anger, frustration and negativity these days that I find myself yearning for peace and calm and positive messaging. This led me to reflect on the year I...
Aging Well: Water, Water, Water!

Aging Well: Water, Water, Water!

One of my goals this year is to be healthier when I turn sixty in December than I am now. Just to clarify, I am not ill. At all. But, like many of us, I could be living a healthier life. Losing a few pounds must be done. Strengthening some muscles is a good idea. I...
Why Immigration Matters To Me

Why Immigration Matters To Me

In my 2017 quest to remain steadfast in authenticity, I decided to pause my visceral reaction to last week’s Executive Order on Immigration and check myself on what I was really feeling and what was at the root of those feelings. This is some of that reflection:...