One of my goals this year is to be healthier when I turn sixty in December than I am now. Just to clarify, I am not ill. At all. But, like many of us, I could be living a healthier life. Losing a few pounds must be done. Strengthening some muscles is a good idea. I could also do more to make a positive difference in this crazy world of ours.

To that end, I’ve identified three key areas that I’m examining this year: diet, exercise, and lifestyle. I’ve decided to scrap the formal “diet plans” and simply eat better and move more. As my doctor told me a few years ago,

It’s not that hard. Calories in. Calories out.

Sigh. Easy for him to say, right?

So far, so good, though. If I had to grade myself on the changes to date, I would give myself a B+ for walking 30 minutes a day and an A for eating at least one piece (or one cup) of fresh fruit each day.

My next aging well commitment: Drink at least 100 ounces of water a day, or just over three quarts.

That might seem easy to many of you. A lot of people drink well over a gallon a day. But, I have never been that person. My issue is lack of thirst. I never feel thirsty. Ever. However, what I’ve learned over time is that what my body is interpreting as hunger might actually be thirst misread.

This week, I went back to a trick that worked pretty well for me after experiencing a few kidney stones (also related to not drinking enough water). I bought a large bottle of water to keep on my counter. It holds 105 ounces. All I need to do is drink the contents of the bottle daily. Having that visual works wonders. Even if I’m not realizing that I’m thirsty, or thinking about this change, when I see the bottle…bingo!

What about you? Do you drink enough water everyday? What are you doing to age well? Consider joining me on this journey and let me know how it goes. And, yes, that is a wine glass in the photo. It holds just the right amount of water that I can drink at one sitting. Why not make it fun? Cheers!

Further reading on WebMD:

Photo credit: Water, Water, Water by El Biddulph, February 2017.