While watching some movie previews at the theater yesterday, this quote reached out and grabbed my heart.

The more you are yourself, the more yourself you are. – “The Last Word” movie

Living in authenticity is not easy. It is often tempting to act in a way I think others want me to be rather than what is genuine and authentically me. Yet, I have found, that the more I can remain in that state of authenticity, the more natural it becomes. The more natural it becomes, the more authentically I act.

One thing I’ve been thinking about this week is proactive authenticity rather than reactive authenticity. I know, what the heck does that mean? Consider these scenarios.

  • It’s relatively easy to be kind to those who are kind to us. If kindness is our authentic way of being, why not be kind first?
  • We often give charitably when we are living in a state of abundance. If living in authenticity means we are generous beings, why not give what we can regardless of our resources?
  • It’s common to return love with love after trust is established. If living in authenticity means we easily reveal our loving selves, why not take the risk of loving first?

This may or may not work for you. One thing we discover when living in authenticity is how wonderfully unique we really are. But, this is my authenticity exploration and my reflection. If you’ve joined me on this journey, what do you think of these ideas? What are you discovering? How can you be more yourself? And, how can you be proactively authentic?