Not too long ago I was speaking with someone who knew that I retired last year. She, as most people do, had a lot of questions about what I do with my time now. I told her about the exercise classes I take at our local community center, spending time with my grandsons, reading and writing more often and the community organizations I’m working with. I am certainly enjoying this time in my life.

With a wistful sigh, she commented, “Someday I’ll be happy, too.”

To my way of thinking, that’s a really sad statement.

Happiness is a state of mind you choose for yourself; an attitude and a way of being, regardless of your circumstance.

Happiness is found in generosity, kindness and compassion.  Happiness reveals itself when we appreciate what we have, when we do our chosen work to the best of our ability and when we act out of love for others.

If you are looking forward to being happy someday, I challenge you to find happiness today. If you find yourself blaming your circumstances for the unhappiness in your life, then change your circumstance. You can do it. You just have to make that choice.

Choose happy.

Choose happy today.