A lot of people view birthdays as just another sign of aging.  Time gone by.  A higher digit in our age.  We might notice a little more gray, new lines on our face, a few more aches and pains.  But birthdays are so much more than that. 

A birthday celebrates a person’s arrival in to the world and their continued presence in our lives. 

This week, my family is celebrating three birthdays.  My husband’s birthday is tomorrow and the next day is my son’s birthday – who happened to be born on my birthday!

So, today, I am thankful for birthdays. 

I am  thankful for having them and celebrating them.  I am thankful for reflections on the past and for pondering what lies ahead.  Perhaps it’s because my son was a birthday gift to me 28 years ago, but I really think that each of us deserve to be celebrated on our birthdays, simply because we came into the world on that day.

I hope when your next birthday comes around, you’ll take time to do something special to celebrate you. On your birthday, you were a gift to all of us.  That is definitely something to be thankful for!

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. -William Arthur Ward

 Will you join the gratitude movement?

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