BFP Inspiration Moment: Are You Showing Your “Old” Age?

BFP Inspiration Moment: Are You Showing Your “Old” Age?

Are you showing your “old” age? I don’t mean the usual signs of aging; graying hair, some well-earned wrinkles here and there, or perhaps the infamous middle-age spread. I mean your spirit. Your zest for life. Your enthusiasm. Regardless of the years...
Aging Well: Hold The Sugar, Please!

Aging Well: Hold The Sugar, Please!

If you’ve been following along, you know I’ve made three #AgingWell changes so far this year: eating more fruit, walking daily and drinking more water. Some days are better than others but, overall, I’m pretty happy with what I’ve done. The...

Gratitude Even in the Worst of Circumstances

It’s funny how the universe works. I’ve been thinking about gratitude lately. There is so much anger, frustration and negativity these days that I find myself yearning for peace and calm and positive messaging. This led me to reflect on the year I...
Aging Well: Water, Water, Water!

Aging Well: Water, Water, Water!

One of my goals this year is to be healthier when I turn sixty in December than I am now. Just to clarify, I am not ill. At all. But, like many of us, I could be living a healthier life. Losing a few pounds must be done. Strengthening some muscles is a good idea. I...
Aging Well – An Apple A Day (or an Orange, or Grapes, etc.)

Aging Well – An Apple A Day (or an Orange, or Grapes, etc.)

In my continuing quest to end my sixtieth year in better overall health than I’ve started it, I’m scrapping the diet plans and quick fixes in favor of smaller, realistic, impactful changes over the course of the year. I am trying to alternate tweaks to...
Aging Well – Move Every Day (even if you’re not at the beach!)

Aging Well – Move Every Day (even if you’re not at the beach!)

I’m turning sixty years old later this year (December),  For the record, I have no angst about reaching the big 6-0; it simply means I have a lot of experience and perhaps, if I’ve paid attention, a little wisdom. Perhaps because of this milestone,...