Thank you Thursday

My definition of leadership starts with the heart.  Why?  Because the heart is the core of people, and leadership is about people.  Caring about them, influencing them, inspiring them, serving them.  Even discipline starts with the heart.  When done well, discipline...

Sunday Service: #WhyWeCelebrate

This week’s Sunday Service post is a little different.  No donations. No fundraising. No worthy organization needing your financial support. Instead, to honor and celebrate Independence Day, I invite you to share your story about what this holiday means to...

Will you join #TeamMeg?

Perspective is an interesting dynamic.  Suddenly, my kidney stones don’t seem like such a big problem… My daughter, Heather, emailed me on Saturday, asking if I could help spread the efforts of #TeamMeg.  It turns out that “Meg” is a friend of...

Sunday Service – The Blue Key Campaign

Consider these numbers: 43.3 million forcibly displaced people worldwide 26 million refugees and internally displaced people receive help from the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) 17 million refugee and internally displaced children under the age of 18 6,000+...

Read any good books, lately?

Recently, I’ve been fortunate enough to be contacted by several publishers with offers of free books in exchange for posting book reviews. A couple things are great about this.  First, I get free books to add to my library.  If you’ve followed any of my...