On Taking The Less Traveled Road

On Taking The Less Traveled Road

While coming home from a lake visit earlier this week, my GPS was telling me to go a different route than we normally take to get home. Like most people, we usually take the fastest route for our 52 mile journey with most of that being highway miles. On Monday,...
BFP Inspiration Moment on Competition

BFP Inspiration Moment on Competition

Imagine if we tried our best in all things simply because it’s the right thing to do. Imagine if we didn’t compete with our neighbors, family members, friends or co-workers. Imagine if we just bloomed, like a rose. . Photo taken last month at Frank Fetch...
BFP Inspiration Moment on A Most Important Choice

BFP Inspiration Moment on A Most Important Choice

As so many of us were trying to process the horrific mass shooting in Orlando yesterday, my brother posted this comment on Facebook: I don’t claim to have any answers. I don’t know how to fix it, but what I do know, is that we all have two choices, you can...

Cottage Life: Honoring the Past

My husband and I recently bought a little cottage on a small lake. Fortunately for us, the previous owner was both generous and skilledĀ in the industrial arts. He put a new roof on for us and installed a new wood floor in the guest room. He also took care of many...
BFP Inspiration Moment on Your Floating Point

BFP Inspiration Moment on Your Floating Point

There are few activities as peaceful as sitting on lakeside boulders with wildflowers blooming around you and calm waters in front of you. Maybe reading on an empty beach by the ocean. Or hiking to a cabin in the woods. It could be sitting in a rocking chair watching...