Book Review: Why Are There Snowblowers in Miami?

Book Review: Why Are There Snowblowers in Miami?

Why Are There Snowblowers in Miami? (Transform Your Business Using Five Principles of Engagement), written by Steven D. Goldstein, published by Greenleaf Book Group Press, September 2016. Once in a while, I read a book and I just can’t relate. The author’s...
Book Review: It All Started When I Stopped Using Lotion

Book Review: It All Started When I Stopped Using Lotion

It All Started When I Stopped Using Lotion by Karen M.R. Townsend, Ph.D., Queen V Publishing, 2011. I met Karen Townsend at the Ohio Women’s Conference earlier this year. We were both speaking at the event but, fortunately for me, we were on different panels....
I Hear The Train A-Comin’

I Hear The Train A-Comin’

One of the sounds we love at our little lake cottage is the train whistle reverberating in the distance. We are too far to hear the chug-chug-chug of the wheels rolling down the tracks but the long, low whistle breaks into the quiet three or four times a day. My...

Tuesday Tidbit on Inspirational Leaders

As we celebrated Independence Day yesterday, I saw a lot of quotes attributed to our Founding Fathers. They were certainly inspirational leaders, weren’t they? They laid out a vision of a new future of independence, explained why it was necessary, crafted a plan...
On Taking The Less Traveled Road

On Taking The Less Traveled Road

While coming home from a lake visit earlier this week, my GPS was telling me to go a different route than we normally take to get home. Like most people, we usually take the fastest route for our 52 mile journey with most of that being highway miles. On Monday,...