I still believe as deeply as I ever have that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strength in our convictions and love for this nation, our best days are still ahead of us. – Hillary Clinton, Nov 9, 2016

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Tuesday Tidbit on Civil Disagreement

Tuesday Tidbit on Civil Disagreement

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I’m a bit of a news junkie. Last week, even while on vacation, I watched much of the evening coverage of the Republican National Convention. This week, I am watching as much of the Democratic National...
BFP Inspiration Moment on Hope

BFP Inspiration Moment on Hope

I love a good summer storm. The temperature usually cools and the garden gets a much needed natural drink. I’m in awe of the lightening and enjoy the soothing sound of a steady rain. And, I always hope for a rainbow. As your next summer storm dwindles to a light...
BFP Inspiration Moment on Liberty

BFP Inspiration Moment on Liberty

As I searched for an appropriate quote in celebration of our nation’s declaration of freedom from British rule, I kept coming back to these words by President Kennedy. In this age of attacks on Liberty, both domestically and abroad, let us remember that each of...
BFP Inspiration Moment on A Most Important Choice

BFP Inspiration Moment on A Most Important Choice

As so many of us were trying to process the horrific mass shooting in Orlando yesterday, my brother posted this comment on Facebook: I don’t claim to have any answers. I don’t know how to fix it, but what I do know, is that we all have two choices, you can...