Tuesday Tidbit – Q2 Annual Goals Review

Tuesday Tidbit – Q2 Annual Goals Review

Can you believe the second quarter ends in just a few days? You’ve got six months left to achieve the goals you set for 2016. How are you doing so far? If you’re moving forward on point, good for you! Congratulations on your motivation, focus and success...

Tuesday Tidbit Leadercast notes: Wrapping It Up

This is the final installment of my Leadercast series. Below are a quotes from a few speakers who were not included in the weekly summaries. At the end of this post you can find links to those earlier posts. I hope you found this year’s speakers as inspirational...

Tuesday Tidbit Leadercast notes: Rorke Denver’s Trident Takeaways

This post continues the series sharing my notes from 2016 Leadercast. The series wraps up next week. Commander Rorke Denver is a former Navy Seal Commander, author, actor and a great patriot. His presentation was definitely rooted in his thirteen plus years in the...

Tuesday Tidbit Leadercast notes: Interview with Steve Wozniak

This post continues the series of highlights from this year’s Leadercast. I do not recall ever hearing Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak (“Woz”) speak before. What impressed me even more than his comments was how enthusiastically passionate he remains,...

Tuesday Tidbit notes on Leadercast: Nick Saban on Winning

This is the fourth in a series of posts sharing highlights from the 2016 Leadercast. University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban knows a little bit about winning. He is a five time college football national champion and the only coach to win back-to-back BCS...

Tuesday Tidbit Leadercast notes: James Brown on the “I” in Team

This is the third installment of Leadercast 2016 highlights. CBS Sportscaster James Brown was one of my favorite speakers of the day. He shared his thoughts on what individuals bring to the table to support team success. As a bricklayer’s daughter, I was drawn...