Book Review: …unfinished business…

…unfinished business… written by Lee Kravitz, published by Bloomsbury USA, 2010. After you die, what would you like people to say about you? Your answer to that question should guide the way you live. -Lee Kravitz What if your identity was completely...
Book Review: Watch For The Light

Book Review: Watch For The Light

Watch For The Light, Readings for Advent and Christmas. Ecumenical writings by various authors collected and published by Plough Publishing in September, 2014. I wish I had received this book earlier so you would have had more time to purchase it before Advent begins...
Book Review: Wisdom of the Sadhu

Book Review: Wisdom of the Sadhu

Wisdom of the Sadhu; Teachings of Sundar Singh. Compiled by Kim Comer, published by Plough Publishing House, 2014. Sundar Singh (1889-1929) was known during his lifetime as India’s most famous convert to Christianity. However, he did not embrace many of the...
Book Review: Sacred Seed

Book Review: Sacred Seed

Sacred Seed, a collection of essays curated by The Global Peace Initiative of Women with an introduction by Dr. Vandana Shiva, published by The Golden Sufi Center in November, 2014. When driving past farmland, have you ever noticed the signs planted along the crops,...
Book Review: Their Name Is Today

Book Review: Their Name Is Today

Their Name Is Today: Reclaiming Childhood in a Hostile World, by Johann Christoph Arnold, Plough Publishing House, November, 2014. It seems that with each passing generation it becomes more challenging to raise children to be positive, generous and productive members...
Book Review: Jeter Unfiltered

Book Review: Jeter Unfiltered

Jeter Unfiltered, by Derek Jeter (author) and Christopher Anderson (photographer), Gallery/Jeter Publishing, October 2014. Imagine sitting with an old friend, sharing favorite memories, going through stacks of old photos and reminiscing about times gone by. You might...