Simple Secrets to a Happy Life written by Luci Swindoll, published by Thomas Nelson in 2012.

I’m not sure what drew me to this book when I first saw it.  Perhaps the Swindoll name, but not one of the preacher brothers?  The emphasis on the words “a happy life”?  The relaxed font and background color?

Whatever it was that drew me in, Luci Swindoll’s easy writing style, real life stories, sense of humor, and simple advice for life kept me there!  Inspired by the wisdoms of her mother, Swindoll’s short, two to three page chapters all have five word titles, starting with a verb – prompting action!  From Chapter One, “Start With What you Know,” to the last, “Live An Attitude of Gratitude,” the book is filled with common sense delivered with uncommon ease.

A sense of the book content can be found simply by reviewing a few of the chapter headings: Keep Your Word Every Time, Stay Proactive About Your Health, Write Down The Important Things, Build Yourself A Small Library (one of my faves!), Rise to The Occasion Often, Fight Resentment Before It Festers, Listen With Your Whole Heart. 

I finished the easy read last week while on a flight to Tampa.  The person sitting next to me asked if she could look at the book.  She ended up reading about a third of it.  As we were preparing to deboard at our destination, she reluctantly handed the book back to me, saying that she was going to buy a copy for herself so she could finish it.  That’s two recommendations to read this book – mine and hers!

If you would like a copy for yourself or to give as a gift (perfect for graduations!), order through Amazon, Barnes and Noble or

Note: A copy of this book was provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers through the BookSneeze blogger review program.  Neither the author, publisher, nor anyone else influenced or reviewed the content of this post; the opinion expressed is entirely my own.

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