
Below are links to five of the articles about leadership that caught my eye last month. Grab a coffee and a healthy snack, get comfortable and enjoy the learning.

  1. The Problem With Following Your Passion might seem like a surprising title for an article about leadership. The question addressed by authors Jon Jachimowicz and Sam McNerney in this Washington Post article is how do you define passion and how does that definition impact your success? It’s an interesting read prompting serious thought.
  2. We often hear about the importance of love in the workplace. How love is manifested by a company after an employee leaves also tells us a lot. Michael Schrage shares his insights in the Harvard Business Review article, Love Your Ex-Employees and They’ll Love You Back.
  3. Should you stay or should you go? That’s a question I know I faced, and you may have as well. On, Jessica Stillman shared 5 Steps to Persevere (Even When You Really Want to Quit). Interesting that the first sentence of the five steps is “Sometimes, you actually should quit.”!
  4. Can you believe the end of the year is less than a month away? On, Erika Anderson shared 9 Ways To Finish The Year Strong. Read, ponder and act accordingly.
  5. How can you reduce the impact of bias on your decision-making? Diversity Woman Magazine published an informative and thought-provoking article about workplace bias and strategies to limit their impact. Take the time to read and reflect on Take The Diversity Challenge, written by Howard J. Ross.

Well, that’s my November top five. Feel free to add a comment and share a favorite article of yours!


Image credit: Dennis Skley with Creative Commons license.