My January 2nd post shared that DOING is my #OneWord for 2014.

I’ve always wanted to be a runner. I had this vision in my head of a leaner, more athletic version of myself taking long strides down a country road, running towards nothing in particular. The run was not to get to somewhere, but to simply be outdoors, reflecting on the day ahead, the day past, or life in general. The introvert in me greatly coveted the idea of quiet time to reflect and re-energize. But, being a runner always seemed to be that impossible coulda-woulda-shoulda goal.

I wished that I had the self-discipline to eat more healthy so I could run. I hoped that my frequent attempts at trying would take hold and become a daily habit. I wondered what it must be like to really be a runner.

Being 55 last year, for some reason, opened my mind and heart to new ways of thinking about myself. On a lark, I signed up for a Veterans Day 5k. I finished it in 45 minutes, running, in spurts, maybe a third of the distance. Then I signed up for another 5k. I finished in 40 minutes, knocking five minutes off my time, and I was exhilarated! Could I actually be a runner?

Now, reflecting on who I want to BE, and what I need to DO to get there, I did two things on New Year’s Day:

  • I signed up with a local running company‘s training program for running schedules, split goals, fitness info and a group or like-minded folks to run with every Saturday morning.
  • I registered for a quarter marathon (10k); the Cap City event on May 3.  Yes, I did.

I’m not wanting, wishing, hoping, or wondering about being a runner. I’m DOING the things I need to do to really be one.

I’m #Doing2014. I’ll share more updates along the way.

(Did you choose #OneWord for 2014?)