As I write this, there are weather alerts on every local TV station; tornado warnings, reports of severe thunderstorms, viewer photos of hail and predictions of generally dangerous weather conditions about 30 miles from my house.  

Our local meteorologists are repeatedly telling viewers where they can be safest in their home. Go to the basement, a center hallway or  bathroom, any lower level room with no windows.  The meteorologists are also warning us of even worse weather to come during the night, much closer to where I live.

Today, I am thankful for weather professionals.

Backyard storm, 2011

I know, I know. Weather forecasters never get it right.  They say it’s going to rain and it doesn’t.  They say it’s going to be a sunny day and it rains.  They predict a blizzard and we get two inches.

But, what about the times when they tell us severe storms are on the way and they are right?

I am thankful for the chance to prepare myself and my home. I want to decide if I should store outdoor furniture.  I want to take in hanging plants so they don’t get blown away.  I would rather know ahead of time if there is a possibility that my power is going to be out.  I would rather be warned, plan accordingly and have nothing happen, than be caught by surprise and be completely unprepared.

Next time the weather forecast is off the mark, think about all the times it is right on, especially when lives are depending on it.


What are you thankful for?

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