The day before leaving for vacation, I had my annual mammogram.  It was an early morning appointment; I was in and out in no time.  No call-back.  No ultra-sound follow-up. It was easy-peasy, actually!  When I came home from vacation, there was a letter in the mail saying the images were fine; no evidence of breast cancer.

Today, I am thankful for the “all clear” results of my mammogram.

What about you?  Are you taking care of your health?

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality publishes a guide to the various health check-ups we should have at different stages of life.  Click HERE for the women’s health list and click HERE for the men’s list.  I hope you’ll review and follow-up with your physician on any healthcare gaps you might have.

You’ll be thankful you did.  Your family and friends will be thankful, too.


What are you thankful for?

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