activate_your_goodnessActivate Your Goodness, Transforming the World Through Doing Good; written by Shari Arison, published by Hay House, Inc., 2013.

Sometimes, the simplest actions can be the most difficult.  And, sometimes, the simplest books can have the most meaning.

“Think good, speak good, do good.”

Author, philanthropist, and business woman Shari Arison challenges us to imagine a world where goodness is the core driver of behavior. Through sharing her life story and her personal mission to enhance goodness in the world, Arison is taking that vision and creating a “goodness-based” reality.

“Activate Your Goodness” lays out a simple plan to positively impact the world, starting with ourselves.  Once we understand what goodness is, and then are good to ourselves, we can expand to family, community and country.  She then helps us pause and reflect on the impact of our goodness, so far.  Arison then gently guides us toward doing good for humanity and our planet.  Again, she then helps us pause to reflect on the transformation we experience while doing good for others.  Lastly, Arison challenges readers to perform mindful good deeds not only on International Good Deeds Day (March 10), but to choose goodness every day.

This is one of those little books of inspiration that I enjoy.  With personal stories of challenge and blessing peppered throughout, Shari Arison presents doing good as an achievable pursuit with deep and lasting results.  Her passion is easily revealed and simply encouraged in readers on each page.

If you want to “Activate Your Goodness,” this book is a great place to start.

Click here to order from Amazon.

(Note: A copy of this book was provided to me by the publisher.  However, in no way did they attempt to influence the content of this review. The opinion expressed is entirely my own.)

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