Tuesday Tidbit

In a staff meeting last week, the definition of integrity was discussed.  I thought I would prompt some further consideration of the topic with a few quotes.  Feel free to share them with your team members; it may start a productive dialogue. Integrity has no need of...

Sunday Service – Kids Are Heroes

We can learn a lot from children.  They have an innocent and natural motivation to help people.  Children are making a positive impact every day in our world, from donating toys to less fortunate children to organizing a local food drive to driving large scale...

Thank you Thursday

This has been one of the crazy-busiest weeks I’ve had in a long time.  Trying to get caught up after a week out of town is generally not easy under any circumstances.  Trying to get caught up while also balancing (juggling?) several other projects and...

Tuesday Tidbit

I am attending the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast this Friday. It will be my third event and I’m just as excited as the first two – perhaps even more so, since I have an idea of what’s coming! (John Maxwell, Urban Meyer, Soledad o’Brien, Marcus...