Read the book!  Read the book!  Read the book!

In his latest, Empty Promises, pastor and best-selling author Pete Wilson examines the goals and ideals that many people (myself included) pursue, only to find that they don’t enrich our lives but, instead, often leave us feeling empty.

Through his own real life struggles, examples from people he has counseled over the years, and Biblical references, Wilson helps readers see the often difficult truth about what drives us and why.  He invites us to think differently about why we are drawn to achievement or power.  We learn about the temptation of emphasis on outer beauty or collecting wealth.  Warning: Don’t think this doesn’t apply to you until you read the book.  You might be surprised.

Interestingly enough, Wilson also challenges us to consider whether we are addicted to religion rather than a relationship with God.  He invites us to examine what or who we worship and if that is taking our lives in the direction we really want to go.

The entire book is a gentle challenge to the promises we make to ourselves.  If only ______, then ______.  How many times can we look back and say, yes, that’s exactly the way it worked? Probably not very often.

If only I get that promotion, then my co-workers would respect me more.  If only I had a bigger house with a bigger yard, then my family would be happier.  If only I made more money, then I would be happier.  If only I went to church every week, then God will love me.  If only…then…

Read this book to find out why those promises to ourselves and really empty promises.  You’ll also discover what really can add meaning and joy to your life.  That is not an empty promise.

Order the book HERE on

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(A free copy of this book was made available through the BookSneeze blogger review program, however, the opinions expressed are entirely my own, free of any influence.)