I’ve been giving some thought to a talk I’m giving later in the year about diversity.  Diversity comes in many forms; gender, cultural, and generational, to name just a few.  There are just as many ways to illustrate how diversity enriches us.

Take seashells, for example.

These three jars of shells are in my office, reminders of favorite vacations at the shore and various other beaches. 

You can probably tell that the shells are not all the same.  Some are large, some are small.  Some are plain, some are a little fancier.  There are all different colors in the jars, too.  That’s about all you can see when you look at such a large number of shells at once. 


Imagine, though, what you might see if you took the time to step a little closer to the jars and really look at the shells individually.  The deep orange, pink, and gold; the light brown, gray, and off white.  Some shells swirl, some fan wide, some are ridged.  Some are round while others are long and thin.  Each one is unique.  Each one is beautiful in its own way.


Taking the time to really look at the shells also provides the opportunity to look past obvious chips, cracks and even gaping holes and focus more on the beauty that is there.  Below are two pictures of the same shell.  When I found it, it was lying on the beach with the hole on top.  Not really the most attractive thing.  I stopped, picked it up, turned it over and marvelled at the beauty of nature’s colors  inside.









What does this all have to do with diversity and leadership and teamwork? 

Think about your team members.  Do you just see them as a group?  Or, do you take the time to see the unique gifts of each person?  Do you see them as a single unit,”my team,” or have you discovered what makes each individual different from the rest?  Do you turn away from that one person who perhaps doesn’t make a good first impression or have you taken the time to find the beauty that might be hidden deep inside?

Whether seashells or people; richness and beauty lies in diversity.


Tuesday Tidbits are weekly messages I send to my leadership team. They are generally short & sweet, often focused on leadership or teamwork, always positive and, hopefully, motivational. I hope you also find some meaning in them.

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