My husband and I love to go to high school sporting events.  This time of year, it’s baseball, baseball, baseball!  Yesterday after work, we headed to one of the local high schools and were amazed at the field improvements since last year.

The principal of the high school happens to be a friend of ours.  We commented about the new bleachers, new fences along the first and third base lines, new sidewalks around the bleachers, and evergreens behind the bleachers.

Today, I am thankful for parents and other community members who work hard to support and benefit local schools.

The principal proceeded to tell us that the athletic boosters paid for the enhancements.  They have been working on a master plan for a few years to get the field ready and compliant with the requirements to host high school tournaments.  The parents have raised a lot of money and have donated some of their own.  They also invested “sweat equity” in many ways from planting trees to pouring and raking concrete.  No tax dollars were used in these improvements.

They still have a ways to go until their work is done, but the hope is that by next year, they will qualify as a host school.  Margaret Mead is often quoted as saying, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”  Indeed.

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