Over the last year or so, my love of books has led me to connect with some publishers and publicists to do book reviews.  I am currently reading a new BookSneeze offering from Thomas Nelson titled Simple Secrets to a Happy Life, by Luci Swindoll.  The review will publish a week from Monday (love it, so far!), but as I was glancing through the chapter headings, I realized that many of them would apply to our roles as leaders at work, too.

For example, consider these:

Let People Know You Care  (Chapter 4)

Keep Your Word Every Time  (Chapter 6)

Decide What Is Not Necessary  (Chapter 16)

Remember to Notice Things Today (Chapter 24)

Rise To The Occasion Often  (Chapter 28)

Thank Others For Their Efforts (Chapter 29)

Discover What Makes Other People Tick  (Chapter 37)

Listen With Your Whole Heart  (Chapter 41)

And one of my personal favorites…Build Yourself A Small Library!  (Chapter 21)

Tuesday Tidbits are weekly messages I send to my leadership team. They are generally short & sweet, often focused on leadership or teamwork, always positive and, hopefully, motivational. I hope you also find some meaning in them.

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