For frontline leaders and their team members, a one-on-one meeting is nothing short of a great opportunity to demonstrate how much they care about mutual success.

An effective one-on-one is an important item in the front-line leader’s toolbox, specifically to:

  • strengthen the relationship
  • celebrate good work and key accomplishments
  • discuss improvements needed
  • set or adjust goals and checkpoints
  • offer resources and other support
  • solicit and appreciate feedback
  • encourage open communication

And, with a good system and a bit of planning, this can all be achieved in a bi-weekly thirty minute meeting.

Downloadable One-on-One Resource

Click here to access the “One on One Guidelines and Template” from my website. You are free to download, replicate and/or update the form as needed. Then use it to keep your one-on-one meetings consistent and productive. I have included a number of success tips to help you get started and to use the information meaningfully. If I can assist any further, add a comment below or, if you’re reading this on, use the contact form to send me a message.

Most importantly, remember that you are holding the meeting to work toward your team member’s success; supporting his or her personal, professional and team goals.

Because when leadership is rooted in love, success happens.