Christmas in your heart

Christmas is two days away. Two days!

How is your stress level?

Are the gifts bought? And wrapped? Are your cards in the mail? Are all the decorations up? Cookies baked? Meals planned? Groceries bought? House cleaned? Playlist finished? Travel plans made? Suitcases packed?

Heart palpitating yet? Whew!

R – E – L – A – X!

None of that is what Christmas is about. None of it. At all.

Friday food for thought…

You will not find Christmas in a box under a tree. You won’t find it in the stockings hung with care. Christmas can’t be found at the airport, in a store, or even at your Mom’s house.

Christmas is love. Pure and simple.

The only place you will truly find Christmas is in your heart. If you are struggling right now with all the holiday things we assign importance to, stop for a minute. Take a deep breath. Think about what Christmas really means to you. What.It.Really.Means. Now slowly exhale.

Find the joy and love within you. Share it with the people around you.

Now you’ve found Christmas.