Finish lIne

Can you believe the second quarter ends in just a few days? You’ve got six months left to achieve the goals you set for 2016. How are you doing so far?

If you’re moving forward on point, good for you! Congratulations on your motivation, focus and success to date. Take stock of where you are, where you’re heading, and if there’s room for one or two more short term goals or even a stretch goal by year end.

If you’ve lost your way, try this exercise to help you get back on the path toward success.

  1. List your 2016 goals
  2. Check each one for current relevancy. If changing circumstances have eliminated the need for a goal, cross it off the list. It happens.
  3. Note what you’ve accomplished so far toward meeting each remaining goal.
  4. Next, consider what roadblocks stand in your way. Document what needs to change to remove those obstacles.
    • Is it you? Reflect on that for a bit. It could be uncertainty, lack of confidence, fear of failure, fear of success, lack of self-motivation, or many other inner conflicts.
    • Do you need help from someone else? Who is it? Do they know?
    • Are there resources you need access to? What are they? How can you get them?
  5. Schedule a follow-up for each goal. What is the next right step? Take it in the next five days. Then schedule the next right step after that. And the next, etc.
  6. Schedule a monthly checkpoint to keep yourself on track. Pull up your notes and repeat this exercise.

Good luck!

The Tuesday Tidbit is the emerging leader’s weekly source for team building tips, leadership development content, creative ideas and general workplace inspiration. To discuss individual coaching or a group workshop at your office, contact me here and let’s chat!

Photo credit: “Pickin & Paddlin Finish LIne” by RainChurch, used with Creative Commons license