When I scheduled my last post, I realized that it was number 1200 on this site. That got me thinking…

When I first started this blog, I thought far too many people were either so lost in yesterday or so worried about tomorrow that they were missing the beauty in their lives today. Something as simple as the sight of a butterfly in the garden, a child laughing, an interesting book, or going for a walk in the woods can make a big difference in how we feel. I really believed that if we would be truly present – fully present – to every moment, we would all be happier and more at peace.

Seasons change and so did I… -The Guess Who

Over the years, I have shared many interests through this platform. One year, I wrote about a different charity every week in the Sunday Service posts. Another year, I focused on gratitude with a weekly Thank You Thursday post. The last year has had an emphasis on developing emerging leaders. I’ve done the #100HappyDays campaign, twice! The Tuesday Tidbit has offered leadership inspiration for many years.

I have also shared a lot of stories about my family and everyday life, too. My Dad and his battle with cancer, my Mom and her challenges with Alzheimer’s. I’ve talked about being an Army Mom, raising an amazing daughter and the joys of grandparenthood. You saw a lot of my photos, read countless inspirational quotes and numerous book reviews; all favorite things of mine. And then, there are the life lessons found by looking at a situation through a different lens; some of my favorite posts!

So, what is this all about?

Wherever you are, be all there. -Jim Elliot


Life is not static. Life changes. We change. This blog has changed. But, through it all, I always tried to come back to the central theme of being fully present. Now, as way back then, there is so much joy to be found if only we take the time to see it and feel it.

This is post number 1201 that I’ve written. Thanks for coming along.

Nothing is more precious than being in the present moment. Fully alive, fully aware. -Thich Nhat Hanh