Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in your own abilities, your own ideas, your own actions, your own qualities and your own judgment. Most successful people have a healthy amount of this trustbut almost everyone lacks self-confidence at some time. It’s not an all or none quality; it ebbs and flows depending on circumstance. Some people are so filled with self-doubt it prevents them from living into their own greatness. And, an extreme lack of confidence can even be career crippling.

Knowing how to build and maintain self-confidence is an important life and business skill. And. like all skills, it can be improved with practice. A good coaching leader can help build an individual’s trust in themselves. Most often, this is done by providing strategies and support to reflect the greatness that is already there.

Some proven tactics include:

  • Positive self-talk – give yourself a pep talk each morning and follow it up with an attaboy each evening; be your own cheerleader!
  • Track daily little successes – give yourself credit for things done well; big or small, each one is an achievement
  • Dress well and posture well – it’s true; look better, feel better. Why dress sloppy and slouch?
  • Look at who you spend your time with – are they dragging you down or pumping you up?
  • Focus on building upon your strengths – not just improving your weaknesses. Doing more of what you’re already good at will build up the trust you have in your abilities
  • Set goals that are achievable and will stretch you just little bit, then a little more and then even more.

In a work setting, it’s not all on the individual. As leaders, we also play a significant role in helping our people feel confident. What can we do?

  • Put them in position to succeed.
  • Stretch them within reason.
  • Offer consistent feedback.
  • Praise good performance.
  • Encourage through a struggle.
  • Remember, you hired them for a reason. Let them know why.
  • Reflect their good work back to them.

I was reminded of the important role we play while watching The Voice earlier this week: At the end of a rehearsal, contestant Madi Davis thanked her coach, Pharrell Williams,

“You’ve done a lot for my confidence.”

Williams replied,

“I was just holding up the mirror.” 

Holding the mirror

If I can help you or your team develop and maintain self-confidence, contact me and let’s talk!

For additional reading on the subject of self-confidence, click on the links below:

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem by Neel Burton, M.D. in Psychology Today.

How To Boost Your Confidence At Work by Steven Berglas for Forbes.

Photo credit: The Italian Voice with Creative Commons license