A local jeweler has a television ad that includes this line:

The moments they’ll remember are the important ones…the little ones.

The ad contains wonderful images of a couple in love: sharing a candlelight meal, exchanging a loving glance and hands touching as they reach for the same item. They clearly relish the random loving moments throughout the day.

The same can be said about followers and their leader:

The moments they’ll remember are the important ones…the little ones.

Your followers remember many little day to day moments: the private attaboy when they completed a major project, the sympathy card you sent when a parent passed away, and that time you bought pizza for the team because a client implementation went so well.

Unfortunately, the images they won’t forget could also be: the time you embarassed them for a reporting error, the meeting they requested and you cancelled without explanation, or the extra effort they gave to a project when they were ill, which you did not acknlowledge.

The moments they’ll remember are the important ones…the little ones.

What little moments are you creating?