Yesterday, at a local basketball tournament, I spotted this young boy sitting courtside. Specifically, his T-shirt caught my eye:



It holds true in basketball – or any sport – that toughness is a talent. It does take a certain level of toughness to be successful. All those practices. The often bruising competitions. The commitment to physical fitness. Having the toughness needed for sport can certainly be viewed as a talent.

What about us? Is toughness a talent for leaders?

I think a leader’s version of the T-shirt could say: Knowing when to be tough is a talent.

Understanding the situation at hand and knowing the people involved dictates when to be tough. Simply being tough for toughness sake is not what leaders (or their followers) need. Being tough at the right time, in the right way and with the right people is the real talent.

What is your experience? Do you have an example when either a tough or gentle approach made just the right difference? Share your story in a comment.