If I placed a bowl of jelly beans in front of you, what color would you choose? Believe it or not, that color just might say something about your personality.

Black or white? Highly organized, prefers structure, always follows the rules, deliberates before making decisions.

Yellow? Not usually outspoken, hard workers, sometimes struggle with decision-making, look at things with perspective and respects the opinions of others.

Orange? Cheerful and good-natured, gets along with everyone, enjoys life and inspires others to reach their potential.

Red or pink? Courageous and energetic, genuinely care about people, shares in their sadness or grief, makes decisions with feelings, acts on impulses of the heart.

Violet? Highly creative and excitable, visionaries, disorganized, procrastinators who thrive on chaos, questions why when given an assignment.

Green? Loves recognition, often seen as leaders, usually in highly visible positions, respects authority and tradition, decisive, direct and focused.

Of course, no one’s personality can be described by a jelly bean color; but, it’s fun to consider, isn’t it?

PS: I always pick out the white, pink and red jelly beans. Interestingly enough, a lot of the qualities listed above for those colors apply to me!


Tuesday Tidbits are weekly messages I send to my leadership team. They are generally short & sweet, often focused on leadership or teamwork, always positive and, hopefully, motivational. I hope you also find some meaning in them.

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The above Jelly Bean Personality Traits are adapted from similar group exercises by the Trefoil Girl Scouts and EducationWorld.